Managing Time To Reduce Stress Part One
Part One: Managing Time to reduce stress and have a more successful brokerage. This course is designed to be taken on its own or with the other components in the series.
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How to use this course
Before we begin...
Part 1: The stress of technology
Digital Stress And Time Management
Time Management Skills
Test your learning
The 80/20 Rule or Pareto's Law
What Is the 80/20 Rule?
Applying It to Time Management
Most, Somewhat and Least Important
Applied Example
Lesson Summary
Test Your Knowledge: 80/20 Rule & Time Management
Urgent Important Matrix Tool 2
Prioritizing Worksheet
Test your learning
Why is organizing our Email critical?
Email & Time
Set Aside a Time & Prioritize
Create and Manage Folders in Outlook
Why email folders
How to create a new folder
Folder For critical and To-Do
Moving email
Organize and Move folders
Instead of Email Folders use Tasks instead
Email Rules
Email Rules How-To
The use of colour:
Colour Category
Colour Rule
Colour Conditional Formatting
Step By Step: Colour Conditional Formatting
Step By Step Conditional Formatting example
Control the distrations
Why Send an email message based on a template?
Create an email message template
How To: Create an email message template
How To Send an email message based on a template
Writing Good Email
Test your knowledge
Managing Devices: Phone, Voicemail and text
Control the distrations
Test your learning Calendars, Reminders, phone, voicemail & text
Worksheet strategy
Realistic expectations
Realistic Expectations 2
Expectations/ Summary
Test Your Knowledge
Congrats! Here's what's next...
More resources for you
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